Earning Certification as a Book Coach
Congratulations to Nancy Clements, who just earned her book coach certification! She shares more with us about her journey to becoming a book coach below.
Nancy Clements
Certified book coach
How did you come to book coaching?
Over the past fifteen years, I have taken oodles of online writing courses. Screenplay. Blog. Novel. Work at your own pace. Weekly webinars. Workbooks. Recordings. Masterclasses. And then, of course, there are all the books on writing. My first was Robert McKee’s Story. I did all of this in my spare time while raising a family and working full time.
I had a successful career in transportation engineering design. Think roads and bridges. Throughout the years, I penned hundreds of proposals, but I longed to write fiction.
When I quit my engineering job this past February, it was with the realization that for the first time in my adult life, I had time. I had been wanting to write for years, and this was my chance. But when I deleted 30,000 words (on purpose) from my latest manuscript, I started looking anew for support. Once I found Jennie’s Blueprint for a Book online, the rest is history. I devoured the book over two days and then registered for Author Accelerator within days after that…purchased on my birthday.
What was your experience in the Book Coach Certification program?
From the start, I fully committed to the program. The jab-jab-uppercut combination of material was great: video introduction, reading reinforcement, and practice run. It motivated me to keep going every time I ended a lesson and clicked the ‘complete and continue’ button.
With my recent retirement, I could dedicate time to working on the sessions daily. Every day, without exception, I did it—even on weekends. I was sad when the course ended because I wouldn’t get my daily dose of Jennie anymore. Luckily, there are tons of other things to keep me busy as I launch my new venture, including a vault full of helpful Jennie videos.
I am grateful for the community of friends I have made through Author Accelerator. The excitement and positivity that surrounds the staff, students, and coaches are contagious. Maybe that is why I was melancholy when the course ended, because I didn’t want that to go away. And guess what? It didn’t! There are tons of opportunities to continue the conversation and connect.
I’ve found editing to be the most challenging part (maybe because I doubt my skills), and I’m constantly seeking new resources to reinforce my learning. But as I’ve heard frequently during my time in the program, our training prepares us well for our journey ahead. And learning continues as it always should.
What is the most valuable piece of advice you’re taking from the training?
Coaching doesn’t mean you need to fix the writer’s issues. I am still developing the habit of asking questions in my comments rather than “tell.” Attempting to lead the writer to think more deeply. I do, however, still offer suggestions to stimulate the writer’s thinking process. There’s a proverb about teaching a woman to fish, but I prefer the newer version about giving her access to a pond full of fish. That’s what we are…coaches…a pond full of fish, feeding our writers with the sustenance they need.
What did you do to celebrate this achievment?
I had a delightful celebration on that following Sunday afternoon with a friend in a shaded wine garden even though it was 90 degrees outside.
Tell us more about your coaching plans.
About 2 months after my certification was official, I launched Second Act Book Coaching. Building and launching a website requires unique skills, different from book coaching, but both should tell a story. My client’s story is about a person who has spent their entire adult life raising a family, building a career, and earning a living. Someone who has wanted to write but lacked the time or guidance. Someone like me who began writing in mid-life, learning craft in fragments of time and searching for a community for support. I want to be that mentor for aspiring writers.
I have several offerings for writers who either have a kernel of an idea or a full manuscript. Sign up for my newsletter to receive the 2024 Writer’s Time Keeper and track your writing progress by going to www.secondactbookcoaching.com or connect with me on LinkedIn.
I am laser focused on creating an environment where my clients feel appreciated, heard, and motivated to finish their books! My short-term goal will focus on creating content for posts, with a mid-term goal of providing online DIY offerings. I also have a WIP that I plan to pitch in 2024.