Become A Certified Book Coach

In 12 months, you’ll be qualified to coach writers through developing a book idea, bringing it to life, and navigating the path to publishing.

Author Accelerator’s Book Coach Certification Program gives you a solid foundation for building a profitable and successful book coaching business that also feeds your soul, satisfies your intellectual curiosity, and gives you the freedom to work exactly the way you want to work.



Enroll In Author Accelerator’s Book Coach Certification Program





We help book people become entrepreneurs

Were you that kid who hid under the covers with a flashlight reading past bedtime? The one who wanted to be Jo from Little Women?

Maybe books saved you from loneliness, boredom, anxiety, or chaos and your passion for them has never dimmed.

Becoming a certified book coach allows you to work in that powerful space of possibility. That’s because your job as a book coach is to help harness other people’s creative genius.

  • You teach people who are eager to learn exactly what you have to offer and are grateful for the guidance.

  • You coach people through a complex intellectual and creative journey, helping them structure their stories and ideas, complete their projects, and overcome their doubts.

  • You do work that is deeply transformative to your writers (and to you).

  • You choose exactly what kinds of books to work on so that every project is a passion project.

  • You step into your power, becoming the person in charge of every business decision, including when to work, where to work, and how much to charge

Being a Book Coach Gives You Agency and Power In Your Work And Your Life

Here are the top five ways this happens:

  1. You help brilliant storytellers and deep thinkers make their dreams come true. These are some of the wins Author Accelerator Certified Book Coaches helped their writers achieve in 2024 — including first novels, fourth novels, nonfiction books that launched speaking careers, and memoirs that received national acclaim:

2. You can teach in amazing learning spaces. Author Accelerator Certified Coaches are invited to present at events and conferences all over the world and all over the internet. Here are some examples from recent events — including retreats in Italy. conferences in San Francisco, online events hosted by the Society of Children’s Writers and Illustrators, and a sailing of the QE2:

3. You can make money. You can earn enough to replace your teaching salary, leave your corporate job, and make the kind of money book lovers aren’t “supposed” to make. Here are some earnings examples from some of our coaches:

4. You can do work that feeds your soul. These are the kinds of the things Author Accelerator Certified Coaches say about book coaching:

5. You can impact millions of writers. Author Accelerator Certified Book Coach Savannah Gilbo has created one of the writing world’s most popular podcasts. She had the agency and power to make big moves and we love that!



Enroll In Author Accelerator’s Book Coach Certification Program





Are you ready to become a book coach?

It all starts with world class training. We make sure you’re ready to provide editorial feedback, emotional support, and actionable guidance to your writers

Anyone can hang out their shingle and call themselves a book coach, but there’s a lot more to the work than just being an editor and a cheerleader.

Our certification program gives your clients the confidence that you have the necessary skills, experience, and training to help them do their best work.

We designed our program to be thorough and rigorous.

It takes 12 months to complete the certification requirements in fiction, nonfiction, or memoir — and we don’t just hand out certification to anyone who signs up.

You have to prove you have the core skills of an excellent book coach, which you do by working with three practice clients at three critical stages of the book development process:

  1. Starting a book from scratch

  2. Evaluating a complete manuscript (fiction and memoir) or a complete book proposal (nonfiction.)

  3. Preparing the materials and strategy needed to pitch to agents (which is a critical skill even for self-publishing writers, since it’s all about positioning the book in the marketplace.)

We hold a high standard so that your certification means something — both to you and to leaders in the industry.

Industry Praise For Our Program

What to Expect When You Enroll in Author Accelerator’s Book Coach Certification Program

  • You’ll identify the kinds of writers you would most enjoy serving and make a plan for how to get in front of them. Our goal is for you to build a sustainable business that is aligned with your life, your talents, and your passion.

  • With our direct support, you’ll learn the skills to coach writers from a glimmer of an idea to a manuscript (fiction and memoir) or a book proposal (nonfiction) that’s ready for the marketplace. You’ll know exactly how to communicate with your writers, earn their trust, and deliver the outcomes they need.

  • You’ll get personalized feedback on your coaching work so you always know where you stand and what you need to do.

  • You’ll have a community to help you brainstorm ideas, work through concerns, and celebrate your milestones, which is the key to marking your progress and keeping up the momentum.

  • You’ll have a dedicated team of seasoned coaches to answer all your questions and provide feedback on your work as you go.

  • You’ll learn how to be an effective book coach on an editorial, emotional, and entrepreneurial level. Coaching writers is a different skill than writing and we’ll teach you how it’s done.

  • You’ll learn how to create a business launch plan so you are ready to start taking clients right away.

  • You’ll celebrate your certification!* It takes a lot of work and dedication to complete our program and we encourage you to savor the moment!

  • You’ll be invited into our community of certified coaches**, where we offer guidance and support as you work towards your first-year business goals and beyond.

  • Want more details? Download a syllabus.




    * You must meet the requirements of certification. Details in the syllabus.

    ** There are additional fees to participate in the certified coach community. Details in the syllabus.

Hi I’m Jennie Nash

I’m the founder and CEO of Author Accelerator. We’ve certified more than 300 book coaches, who are working all over the globe to help writers do their best work.

My own book coaching clients have landed top New York agents and six-figure book deals with Big 5 houses such as Penguin, Scribner, Simon & Schuster, and Hachette. They’ve won dozens of national indie book awards, landed on the Wall Street Journal and New York Times bestseller lists, and become a Reese Witherspoon Book Club pick.

I’m also the author of twelve books in three genres, but book coaching is my true love.

Teaching and inspiring writers to raise their voice, do their best work, and make their dreams a reality just lights me up, and now I’m on a mission to set the standard of excellence in this brand-new industry.

I can’t wait to see you in our program.

Invest in Yourself

When you invest in Author Accelerator’s Book Coach Certification Program, you’re investing in a career that can give you money, meaning, and joy for years to come.

Rather than being locked into what someone else says you deserve to be paid, you have the flexibility to set your own prices, decide on your own workload, and set your own hours.

The investment in Author Accelerator’s Book Coach Certification Program is: $9,000



Enroll In Author Accelerator’s Book Coach Certification Program



