Winning an Award

Congratulations to Author Accelerator certification student Angie Andriot who recently won a writing award! Read on to learn more about it and how she is celebrating.

Tell us more about the award you won.

I won the Claymore Award for Best Juvenile/YA Manuscript. The Claymore Award is presented by Killer Nashville. This was the third contest I’ve entered for my novel.

What did you do to celebrate?

I went out for a fancy dinner with my husband.

What’s next for the book?

I'm currently querying. An agent has requested my full manuscript and I am trying hard not to die of dread!

What are the next steps in your career?

I'm already working my second novel - this time, with the help of the Author Accelerator Blueprint and the guidance of a fellow student in the coaching program. Once I have my Author Accelerator certification, I plan to continue writing while also accompanying others on their writing journey.

Congratulations, Angie!

Follow Angie’s writing and book coaching endeavors by visiting her website or connecting with her on Instagram.


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