The Art of Pricing:

How to Build a Sustainable Book Coaching Ecosystem and Finally Feel Confident About Your Packages and Your Pricing

with Author Accelerator CEO Jennie Nash

2.5 hour training on July 12th, 9 PST / 12 EST PLUS

a seat in a 1.5-hour small group working session on

July 15th, 9 PST / 12 EST (for new coaches) OR

July 17th, 9 PST / 12 EST (for experienced coaches)


*Discounts available for Substack subscribers and for Author Accelerator community members. See below.

At Author Accelerator, we’ve certified more than 225 book coaches and helped them launch their businesses — and the one thing that almost every one of them struggles with is how to package and price their services.

They are caught up in a race-to-the-bottom pricing mentality that fails to consider the fact that book coaching is not a transaction.

We are offering our clients strategic and creative collaborations that are enormously valuable, and we should be paid accordingly.

This Masterclass is a Surprise

When I set out to train and certify book coaches, I did not expect to become an evangelist for an overhaul in our relationship to money — but that is exactly what has happened.

A good business is built on integrity, excellent work, and relationships, but a sustainable business — one you can keep doing — is built on a solid pricing framework. It’s about designing an effective business model.

I have learned how to do this from years of trial and error; from studying the work of online experts I admire and don’t admire; from years of getting furious about the way people with amazing skill and talent at helping writers tend to undervalue themselves; and from seeing the way so many big players in our industry undervalue us, too.

It turns out that helping people with their money mindset has become one of the most important things I do.

Don’t Expect Miracles

  • I am not a financial advisor and am not offering financial advice.

  • I am not a therapist and am not offering to help you unravel a lifetime of messages about money.

  • I am a person who figured out how to make multiple six figures as a book coach, and an entrepreneur who has run a company for ten years that has made millions of dollars. I am a teacher who has shown other people the way, too. Some of them have hit some big numbers. Others of them haven’t.

  • I am not promising that you will make anything. I would feel disengenuous if I did that. As you will see below in the section on Who Should Not Take This Training, if you are looking for a guarantee or you need to make money fast, this program is not for you.

My Goal Is To Transform The Way You Think About Your Entire Business

In this masterclass you will learn:

  • How to end the race-to-the-bottom mentality so prevalent in our industry

  • The surprising difference between coaches who charge healthy rates and freelance editors who take whatever clients they can get

  • How to work in your Zone of Genius so you can serve your clients better and make more money

  • The five-step framework that means you’ll never have to guess about pricing again

  • How to build a business ecosystem to support you in making the amount of money you want to make

  • How to gain the confidence to charge what you know you should be charging

  • How to use pricing to move away from 1:1 client work if you’re ready to make that step (and how to know when you’re ready)

  • A step-by-step plan (and swipe copy) for letting current clients know you’re raising your rates

Who should attend?

  • New Book Coaches just starting to design their packages and services

  • Book coaches who know they are undercharging and are ready to raise their rates

  • Freelancers Editors whose businesses are chaotic and unprofitable and who are willing to consider a different way of working (which is book coaching, which is helping writers over time to execute the changes they need to make and providing in-depth editorial feedback and strategic guidance on their writing and their path to publishing.)

  • Experienced Book Coaches who want to refine their pricing strategy

  • Experienced Book Coaches who are ready to move beyond 1:1 services into group coaching, workshops, retreats, and mentorships.

    Who should not attend?

  • People who think there is a magic bullet / secret handshake / foolproof method to making money or running a business. There is not. It’s hard work. It takes trial and error. I don’t have all the answers.

  • People who want a guarantee. See above.

  • People who desperately need to make money right now. Don’t spend your time or your money on this workshop. Spend your time trying to get paying clients. I always recommend manuscript evaluations for people who need to make money fast. Writers are always looking for this kind of help and you can add a lot of value if you can give effective and targeted feedback. (Note that I don’t usually recommend this method of giving feedback once you have an established business…but that is a lesson for another day.)

It’s time to feel confident about your pricing

This training has two parts so that you can learn the ideas and also make a plan for your paritcular business:

  • On July 12th, we will meet for 2.5 hours to go through a 50-page workbook. I will be sharing some fundamental principles of pricing, and teaching you a framework for how to think about designing your business model and pricing your packages. You will be doing exercises in the workbook. There will be some time for questions, but they should be questions related to the theory and the framework, not your specific business.

    You will attend ONE session following that training based on where you are in your business journey:

  • Session #1 on July 15th is for for people at the start of their book coaching businesses, freelancers who are feeling the chaos of the “serving everyone at a bunch of different prices” business model, and seasoned coaches who are committed to 1:1 coaching but want to add higher-ticket 1:1 offerings. Your primary focus is 1:1 coaching.

  • Session #1 on July 17th is for seasoned book coaches who know how to get clients and make money offering 1:1 packages. You’re ready to add or have already added programs that leverage your time and talent such as group programs, mentorships, retreats, or other “1:many” coaching models. Your primary focus is moving beyond 1:1 coaching.

    There are only 12 seats for each package so that the groups in the second sessions are small enough for me to give some 1:1 attention to each participant. Everyone will be together for the initial training on July 10th.

  • If you have any question about which session you should attend, you can reach out to us at

  • If you are a Substack subscriber, there is a 10% discount code. DM Jennie in Substack to grab it.

  • If you are a member of Author Accelerator, there is a 30% discount code. DM Jennie in Mighty Networks to grab it.

    Note: We will only run the program with at least six students, but it seems that interest in this topic is high. We will fill each session on a first-come, first-served basis. If we get a great deal more people wanting to do it than we have room for, we may add additional dates for the working sessions, but those dates will not be announced until after purchases have been made. If you purchase the course, don’t get a seat, and can’t make the new working sessions, we will refund your money.

The Art of Pricing

PLUS Working Session #1


  • The Art of Pricing 2.5 hour training on July 12th, 9 PST / 12 EST

  • A 50-page workbook

  • A seat in a 1.5-hour small group working session on July 15th, 9 PST / 12 EST.

    This session is for people at the start of their book coaching businesses or freelancers who are feeling the chaos of the “serving everyone at a bunch of different prices” model. Your primary focus is 1:1 coaching or you are just starting to think about other coaching models.

  • A recording of the event

  • 12 seats available


  • DM Jennie Nash on Substack if you are a Substack subscriber and receive a code for 10% off

  • DM Jennie on Mighty Networks if you are an Author Accelerator Certified Book Coach or Student and receive a code for 30% off

The Art of Pricing

PLUS Working Session #2


  • The Art of Pricing 2.5 hour training on July 12th, 9 PST / 12 EST

  • A 50-page workbook

  • A seat in a 1.5-hour small group working session on July 17th, 9 PST / 12 EST.

    This session is for more seasoned book coaches who know how to get clients and make money, You’re ready to add or have already added programs that leverage your time and talent such as group programs, mentorships, retreats, or other “1:many” coaching models.

  • A recording of the event

  • 12 seats available


  • DM Jennie Nash on Substack if you are a Substack subscriber and receive a code for 10% off

  • DM Jennie on Mighty Networks if you are an Author Accelerator Certified Book Coach or Student and receive a code for 30% off

Got questions about Jennie or about Author Accelerator’s book coach training?

  • Go HERE to read Jennie’s book coaching manifesto and the story of how she started Author Accelerator

  • Go HERE to view seven FAQ videos about book coach training

  • Go HERE to read book coach Success Stories

  • Go HERE to read the first chapter of Jennie’s book, Read Books All Day and Get Paid For It: The Business of Book Coaching.

  • Go HERE to listen to Jennie on a podcast — she’s been on more than 50.