Welcome, #amwriting Listeners!

Author Accelerator’s Book Coach Certification program will give you the career you’ve been dreaming of – getting to read books all day. We’re on a mission to lead this new industry and we’d be delighted to have you join us.

Summer Blueprint Challenge

Author Accelerator Book Coach Special Offers

Download the PDF HERE

Check out these FREE resources to learn more about our training program.


Sign up for Jennie Nash’s free newsletter on Substack, called The Art & Business of Book Coaching. You can find a Book Coaching 101 Series, Coach Spotlights, and more.


Dive into our video FAQ series to learn about our book coach certification program, including our new Memoir Certification course.

You can download the syllabi for our fiction, nonfiction, and memoir courses on this page.


Get Chapter 1 of Read Books All Day and Get Paid for It, Jennie Nash’s book on building a book coaching business.